

"Last year I have been out of job for quite a while. I went through a lot of warfare and trauma from the past employments. Through a mutual friend, I got to know Pastor Joy and she started praying for me. I was going through a difficult phase in my life. I started to feel hopeless and started to loose confidence due to job rejections and also in waiting period. I joined Pastor Joy's Wednesday online zoom meetings and Pastor Joy prayed for me to get a job. I was always encouraged by Pastor Joy. She is very faithful and invested her time in praying and caring for me. She has been speaking faith and life into me despite seemingly hopeless situations. This has helped me a lot throughout the process, in December 2023.

I have finally received an employment in my profession, which is much better than I thought. I praise God for sending the right people to encourage and pray for me. All glory to Jesus who healed my heart and rebuild my faith”.


Bernadette Dique 

In Oct 2022 I had a pain what seemed to be coming from my throat every time I swallowed. I tried to ignore it, to a point where I was getting worried about it. I consulted my GP who said that everything was alright and he thought that I was just imagining things. But I knew I wasn’t. I requested him to refer me to see a specialist, to which he replied “you find me a specialist“. 

 I prayed about it and got the best ENT specialist I could find by the grace of God. I then contacted Pastor Joy who ever willingly prayed with me for several weeks on end. 


When I got to see my specialist he put a camera down my throat to find out what this was all about and found that there was a growth on the back of tongue, which he didn’t look too pleased about from what I could see from his facial expression. He suggested I do some tests immediately and wanted to investigate the same . 


The operation was done in 2 weeks and I was absolutely scared thinking the worst but my God came through and I was given the best news of all that my tests came out negative. Just before I got the results I spoke to Pastor Joy asking for her prayers which she willingly did and the very next call not even a minute later, was a call from my specialist saying “all tests were good and I don’t have to worry about anything” !! This was just before Christmas and you can imagine the joy I felt with a new lease on my life. 

I am ever thankful and grateful to the Almighty God for saving me from what could have been a disastrous situation for me. Our God is a healing God and an ever loving God, if we can only trust in HIM AND HIM ALONE.




Thank you all for your prayers for Mason David. He went in for a heart procedure on Tuesday morning 23rd April. It was suppose to be a 2 hour operation. It turned into 6 days hospital stay.

There were complications. I am so Thankful to Pastor Joy and everyone who stood with us in prayer. Glory to God my son is home.

On Tuesday 23 April”24 I called Pastor Joy for pray and told her that my son was in the ICU under the ventilator. She prayed and said The Lord is restoring life into David and she said that he would be out of ICU in 3 days. My son was out of ICU the next day. She also said by the weekend he will be out of hospital and my son did come out of hospital on Saturday 27 May”24. All glory to the Lord. 

God has brought David out much earlier than expected.

Thank you Pastor Joy for your support and strengthen me so much...I was very fearful...even though I trust my Lord Jesus's. I was scared when they said they did not know if my son will come through. I praise my God for his greatness. 

All Glory to Jesus!




Shalom Ps.Joy Thanksgiving for God To Provide The Supernatural Provision of $8000 you prayed. You revealed in prayer that supernatural provision of $8000 will come

last week for. Hallelujah. Amen n Amen. Thank you so very much YESHUA. Thank you so very much Ps.Joy for your prayers that was very powerful and accurate. God bless you immensely.